Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh...
Hi gays ! Welcome to My blog. Let me Introduce myself. My name is Riski Ananda. You can call me Ananda. My name has a meaning that is Riski which means fortune and Ananda means a gift from God. My name is a hope for my parents so that they will get all of the good things in this world. Romantic right ? I was born in Jakarta on August 13, 2002. As information that Jakarta is a city that is more advanced than some of the surrounding cities. Therefore many people from various parts of the region in Indonesia who come here to get a better life. Maybe my family is one of them. Actually Jakarta is a beautiful city but the statement is not entirely true. People here do not have an awareness of what they are doing to the environment around them. That makes me feel sad. Right now I am 17 years old. I feel old and it's boring. I still want to be a child. That's a fun life, man. but being an adult is also not a bad thing. we must look for happiness so that our lives are not too tragic to be made a story.

I am a student. I currently attend high school 27 Jakarta. Soon I will go to university. I can no longer wait to pursue my higher education. Do you know ? if you expand your horizons as wide as the universe, I'm sure you can make others happy and of course your parents' pride. That is everyone's dream. By the way I currently live in Jakarta, Indonesia. precisely in Central Jakarta. I will not tell you in detail my place of residence. I'm too afraid to be killed, let alone kill you. Hahahah just kidding, don't take it seriously. it is a joke. Indonesia is the most beautiful gift of god ever created. You must see this vast and beautiful nature. Unimaginable beauty. I can't say the words when I see how beautiful our nature is. some people will be happy for a moment when they see it.
I have an ideal that is to be a successful person, have a happy family and be a great father like my father. I am always proud and fascinated by my father. I always thought if I could become great like him? Do you know ? My father always said "you can do it because you are my son" and I became a person who believed that I could.
What is the motivation of your life? live like running water? live like larry? or bad people are good people who are hurt? whatever your motivation is a belief in your heart. No one can blame your motivation, because you believe it and you will believe that the thing you believe is the right thing. I have a motivation that will always make me excited in a state of difficulty. I can get through it because I believe and believe that I can. I believe that if someone has a strong belief then people will believe that nothing can beat the strength of his heart.
add video to make it more interesting..
BalasHapusI think thats a good idea. Thanks Mis
HapusGood luck man, making your blog really cool. Dont forget comennt my blog. Hehehehe
BalasHapusThankyou Ginaa, lemme check your blog
HapusYou good person 👍
BalasHapusYeah thats right! thankyou alya
HapusI'll wait for you on the battlefield, okay?